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国家国有资产管理局在确定建立企业产权市场的基本思路时提出,培育和发展企业产权市场要抓好基础建设,加强企业产权市场的培育、发展和监管工作,推进存量资产合理流动和优化配置。国资局提出,建立企业产权市场的基本思路是“抓好一个基础,管好两类机构,坚持三项基本原则,处理好四个关系”。抓好一个基础就是要首先抓好全国企业产权市场信息网建设,以此作为培育和发展企业产权市场的基础。管好两类机构就是要对企业产权市场中介服务机构实行分类管理。一类是经政府批准、具有从事企业国有产权转让中介服务资格的专门中介机构。一类是为企业产权转让提供一般中介服务的会计师事务所、律师事务所、证券公司等社会中价机构。对于第一类机构,政 The State-owned Assets Administration Bureau, when determining the basic ideas for establishing a corporate property market, proposes that the development and development of the enterprise property market must focus on infrastructure construction, strengthen the cultivation, development, and supervision of the enterprise property market, and promote the rational flow and optimal allocation of stock assets. The State Administration of Taxation proposed that the basic idea for establishing a corporate property market is to “grasp a foundation, manage two types of institutions, adhere to the three basic principles, and handle four relationships.” To grasp a good foundation is to first focus on the construction of a national enterprise property market information network as a basis for cultivating and developing the enterprise property market. To manage two types of organizations is to implement classified management of enterprise property market intermediary service agencies. One is a specialized agency that has been approved by the government and has the qualification for intermediary services for the transfer of state-owned property rights of enterprises. One is a medium-sized agency such as accounting firms, law firms, and securities companies that provide general intermediary services for the transfer of corporate property rights. For the first type of institutions,
随着信息技术的发展,信息技术在教学中的应用也逐步深化,最近十几年关于信息技术与教学的重点课题研究就反应了这一递进关系:“八五”期间,课题主要研究 With the developme
现代心理语言学和认知语言等理论认为,阅读是一种复杂的、主动思维的心理活动,是读者根据自己的已知信息、已有知识和经验对信息进行筛选、验证、加工和组合的思维过程,是 M
乔纳森·斯威夫特(1667—1745),18世纪英国最杰出的政论家和讽刺小说家,被高尔基称为“伟大文学创造者之一”。 Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), the most prominent British p
2006年11月,原安徽省教育厅副厅长胡平平率安徽省教育代表团赴芬兰先后考察了赫尔辛基市罗素高中(Ressu Upper Secondary School)、Sotunki Upper Secondary School和芬兰国