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近日,由高校教育专家领衔的上海中小学校长专题培训工作正式启动。这是上海市教委为加快实施上海基础教育“均衡发展、内涵发展”战略构想,探索建立提高中小学校长综合素质和能力的培养培训新模式的一大举措。这项由专家领衔、分不同专题的培训,相对以往校长培训模式而言是具有挑战性的变革,在实施过程中还进行了各种新鲜尝试,吸引了各方的关注。首先,专家领衔制一改单纯以传输信息为主的培训形式而开始关注校长的个性化需求与发展,这无疑是一种创新,其次,这项培训让一批有深厚积淀的高校教育专家把研究成果通过校长作用于教育教学第一线,并产出效益,是教育科学领域“产、学、研”一体化的较好形式之一。专家们各有各的高招,专题也都各具特色,校长培训所进行的尝试如同春风,扑面而来,为上海基础教育的改革和中小学校长队伍的建设带来了新鲜气息。 Recently, headmaster training for Shanghai primary and secondary schools, led by university education experts, was officially launched. This is a major move by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission to speed up the implementation of the strategic concept of “balanced development and connotation development” in Shanghai basic education and to explore a new mode of training and training to improve the overall quality and ability of primary and secondary school principals. This expert-led, sub-topic training has been a challenging change compared to previous training models for principals. Various fresh attempts were made in the implementation process, attracting the attention of all parties. First of all, it is undoubtedly an innovation that the expert leadership system has changed to a mere transmission of information-based training forms and started to pay attention to the personalization needs and development of the principal. Second, this training has enabled a group of highly-acclaimed university education experts The result of the research, through the principal’s role in the front line of education and teaching and the production of benefits, is one of the better forms of integration of “production, study and research” in the field of education and science. Experts and experts each have their own brilliant ideas and special topics. Each attempt by the principals’ training institute, like the spring breeze, has brought fresh air to the reform of elementary education in Shanghai and the construction of primary and secondary school principals.
摘要目的研究7 T髋关节MRI静脉注射钆对软骨T_2、T_2*和形态学影像质量的影响。方法对11名健康志愿者进行7 T髋关节MRI检查。T_2及T_2*采用多回波序列。静脉 Abstract Objec