
来源 :人民司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dong33261
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多年来,宜兴市人民法院切实加强廉政建设,把防腐倡廉作为提高审判队伍素质的一项重要内容常抓不懈,取得了较好的成绩,保障了法院各项审判工作的全面完成。 “桩”与“篱笆” 宜兴市人民法院有一个团结好、力量强的领导班子。在如何抓好廉政建设上,五位党组成员认识一致,认为领导干部廉洁自律是关键,只有把自身这根“桩”打实、钉牢,才能筑起群体防腐的“篱笆”。多年来,一班人坚持正人先正己,在加强全院廉政教育的同 Over the years, Yixing People’s Court has conscientiously strengthened the building of a clean and honest government and has always tried its best to fight corruption and promote integrity as an important component of improving the quality of the trial team. The Yixing Municipal People’s Court has achieved good results and ensured the full completion of all judicial trials. “Pile” and “fence” Yixing City People’s Court has a united, strong leadership. On how to do a good job in building a clean and honest government, the five party members understand that the leading cadres are the key to honesty and self-discipline. Only by implementing and nipping one’s own “root cause” can we build a “fence” for the preservation of the population. Over the years, a group of people insist that being a forerunner, being the same as strengthening the clean government education in the entire hospital
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老韩是我一个结交了十多年的朋友。四十岁那年,我和老韩喝了一次大酒,老韩和我热烈拥抱:“兄弟啊,我看好了一块风水宝地,那应该是埋皇帝的地儿,我和一个农民说好了,五千块钱买下来,将来就作为我们兄弟俩的墓地。”我大为感动,与朋友交往到这样的程度,死了还在地底下唠嗑,夫复何求。不久,我和老韩去看了那块地,确实好风水,前面一条汪汪的河,后面一座苍翠的山。  四十二岁那年,我和老韩的友谊宣布彻底破裂。有一天和
1992年6月14日至17日,四川省岳池县城关数万群众沉浸在巨大的感情涡流中。关注和议论,等待和期盼,疑虑和兴奋,一齐汇聚到县人民法院公开审理刘显合非法拘禁案审判庭。 From
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