ⅡW Technical Units-Developing global best practices

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The ⅡW is an international non-profit association of national welding and joining societies representing 55countries.Goal for ⅡW Technical Management Board is to identify,create,develop and transfer best practices for sustainable development in a sustainable environment.This institute provides an international forum for experts and researchers representing transportation,infrastructure,ship and offshore,mechanical engineering and process equipment industries.At the same time,The IIW had published several journals about stress analysis and fatigue de- The IIW is an international non-profit association of national welding and joining societies representing 55 countries. Goal for IIW Technical Management Board is to identify, create, develop and transfer best practices for sustainable development in a sustainable environment. This institute provides an international forum for experts and researchers representing transportation, infrastructure, ship and offshore, mechanical engineering and process equipment industries. At the same time, The IIW had published several journals about stress analysis and fatigue de-
2005年,对于中国企业来说, “自主创新”几个字叫得尤为响亮.“十一五”规划中指出: “科学技术发展,要坚持自主创新、重点跨越、支撑发展、引领未来,不断增强企业创新能力,