狠抓批林批孔 搞好群测群防

来源 :山西地震通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ydaf9ta7
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在毛主席革命路线指引下,在伟大的批林批孔运动中,我们以党的基本路线为纲,认真贯彻地震工作的群众路线,宣传群众,组织群众,大打人民战争,在群测群防中取得了一些成绩。我们的体会主要有以下几点: 狠批林孔方向明,测报工作不断向前进 我校地震测报组是在一九七二年十月成立的。由学校党支部书记亲自担任组长。在学校党支部、革委会亲自领导下,在地、县科办和省队、太原台的指导和帮助下,我们狠批了林彪孔老二“克己复礼”的反动纲领,进一步认清了林彪反革命修正主义路线的极右实质,提高了识别真假马列主义的能力,使我们更加坚定了搞马列主义,执行毛主席革命路线的决心,全组同志牢固地树立了为毛主席和以毛主席为首的党中央的安全,为保卫社会主义建设事业和广大人民群众的生命财产而站好岗、放好哨的伟大志向。 Under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line and in the great campaign of bodhisattvas, we took the basic line of the party as the key link, conscientiously implemented the mass line of the earthquake work, propagandized the masses, organized the masses and fought the people’s war, Defense made some achievements. Our experience mainly includes the following points: Ruthlessly criticizing the direction of the Confucius Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources and the continuous improvement of the newspaper-based survey The Seismological and Testing Group of our school was established in October 1972. Party secretary by the school personally as team leader. With the guidance and help of the Party branches and the Revolutionary Committee under the leadership of the CPC Party Committee and the Revolutionary Committee, and under the guidance and assistance of prefectural and county departments and the provincial team and Taiyuan University, we have thoroughly criticized the reactionary program of “self-denial and reunion” The far-right essence of Lin Biao’s counterrevolutionary revisionist line has heightened his ability to identify true and false Marxism-Leninism, strengthened our determination to engage in Marxism-Leninism and carry out Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line, and all the comrades firmly set a new stage for Chairman Mao and Chairman Mao’s Central Committee’s security led by Deng Xiaoping and the great aspirations of the party Central Committee in order to safeguard the lives and properties of the socialist construction and the broad masses of people.
。训玛邹吸肖张.翻黑g啊叹邹致名除热田举.世袱寡图.男逛邪吸寒侧同吧长琴裁 。煦叫脚娜叹恻 .摘撰坦侧瑕公向嗽言哪均.瑕卑,没嗽称皿如她 。翻献邹毁卜洲煌.调樱啊妈价岔翻
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