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数码相机的发展速度非常之快,尤其是面向家庭个人用户的便携型小数码相机,用户群数量正在迅速增长,所有的厂商、用户都兴高采烈。但便携数码相机的一个竞争对手,已经以极高的速度从旁边超车过去,速度快得让你几乎看不清楚它的车牌号码,这个竞争对手就是可拍照手机。开始我们还在笑话拍照手机的像质之差,可是手机的拍照功能转眼就要变得惊人的强大。 The development of digital cameras is very fast, especially for portable digital home-based personal digital camera users, the number of users is rapidly growing, all manufacturers, users are elated. However, a competitor to a portable digital camera has overtaken the car at an extremely high speed and can barely see its license plate number. The competitor is a camera phone. At the beginning we are still joking camera phones the difference in quality, but the phone’s camera function is going to be amazingly powerful.
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China’s top pop band moves on from scandal and scores a major movie bonus Ayoung Chinese band has had a major career boost after being asked to write and perfo
朴九月像Rilo Kiley这样一支以悲剧主角的姓氏做名称的乐队,从骨子里就透露出了一种苦涩以及坚韧。有着辽阔音域的Jenny Liwes永远将她个人的声线悬于乐曲上方,不是想要建立
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目的:构建携带幽门螺杆菌(H. pylori) hpaA基因的重组活减毒鼠伤寒沙门疫苗菌。方法:用分子生物学方 法将hpaA基因克隆人原核表达质粒pTrc99A,并进行核苷酸测序,重组质粒经鉴定后再导入活减毒鼠伤寒沙门菌