正值峡江两岸满山红叶似彩霞的金秋时节,伴随着橙黄桔红的清香,5集黄梅戏电视剧《夷陵好人》在宜昌三峡电视台、湖北电视台、中央电视台相继推出,为素有戏剧大省美誉的湖北剧坛增添了丰收的喜悦。 黎式恒同志是一位富有才华和社会责任感的艺术家。在电视剧《貂蝉》、《陈胜、吴广》的导演实践中,已经证实了他对古代题材作品的驾驭能力。这次在《夷陵好人》摄制组,他集编剧、导演、制片人于一身,在对当代现实主义题材作品的诠释和审美追求上,更倾注其独到的哲学思考。
In the golden season of autumn and autumn along the Xia River in the Xia River, with the fragrance of orange and orange, 5 episodes of Huangmei opera TV drama Yiling is published in Yichang Three Gorges TV Station, Hubei TV Station and China Central Television Station. Reputation of the Hubei theater adds to the joy of harvest. Comrade Li Heng is a talented and socially responsible artist. In the directorial practice of the dramas “Diao Chan” and “Chen Sheng and Wu Guang”, he has proved his mastery of ancient themes and works. This time, in “Yiling’s Good Man” film crew, he is a screenwriter, director and producer. He devotes his unique philosophical thinking to the interpretation and aesthetic pursuit of contemporary realistic themes.