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對糧食實行統購統銷,是國家在實現社會主義建設和社會主義改造中的一項重要措施。今年糧食的徵收、統購和統銷工作三位一體地進行;而且統購工作還和繁重的棉花統購、棉布統購統銷和油料、油脂統購統銷的工作一體進行或在同一時期內完成@些工作同廣大人民發生着利害關係,有着複雜深刻的思想鬥爭和尖銳的階級鬥爭。我們教師必須正確認識和對待這個工作。特別是農村教師和出身農家的教師,應該在農村統購工作中起良好作用;在當地黨委統一領導和部署下,配合工作宣傳統購的重大意義和今年的做法;說服和動員家庭出賣餘糧,並應節約糧食,以支援工業建設和解放台灣?鶕x者來信反映,過去,有些教師對糧食統購認識模糊,有意無意間發生多購或套購糧食、同意家庭藏匿餘糧等行為,這是極其錯誤的、違法的行為员究D載這篇文章,希教師們認真閱讀,弄懂其中道理,並正確進行宣傳领督衲昙Z食統購統銷的新辦法,可以參閱十月廿三日新華日報刊載的‘糧食統購統銷問答’教師在統購工作中所表現的和遭遇的情况,希各地隨時反映給本刊,以便綜合研究。 The implementation of the monopoly of purchasing and selling grain and grain is an important measure taken by the country in realizing socialist construction and socialist transformation. This year’s grain collection, unified procurement and unified marketing work Trinity; and the work of the Monopoly also and the cumbersome Cotton Monopoly, unified purchasing and marketing of cotton and oil, grease purchase and marketing of the work done in one or the same period of completion of some work with the general public With the interests of both parties, they have complicated and profound ideological struggles and sharp class struggles. Our teachers must correctly understand and treat this work. Especially rural teachers and teachers of farmhouses, should play a very good role in the work of the state monopoly on purchasing farm products; under the unified leadership and deployment of the local Party committees, they should work in line with the great significance of propaganda and purchase this year and this year’s measures; persuade and mobilize the families to sell their surplus grain and should Saving Food in Support of Industrial Construction and Emancipation The letter from Taiwan’s? 鶕 x reflects that in the past some teachers were vaguely aware of the state’s purchase of foodstuffs or that they intentionally or unintentionally occurred to buy more or buy food and agreed to family concealment of surplus grain. This is extremely wrong , Illegal Behavior   载 载 载 D contains this article, hope teachers carefully read, understand the truth and proper publicity  衲 衲 Tan Z Z food purchase and marketing of the new approach, you can refer to October 23 Xinhua Daily published in the ’purchase and marketing of grain purchase Q & A’ teachers in the unification work of the performance and experience of the situation, hope to reflect all the time to the publication for comprehensive research.
一、思维导图的简介  19世纪70年代初,托尼·巴赞发明了一种全新的笔记方法,叫作思维导图,它由发散式图表构成,很像人体的脉络,能有效提高小学英语课堂教学效率,高学生的理解能力和记忆能力,培养学生的逻辑思维和新思维。  二、思维导图的优势  1.激发学生学习兴趣,集中注意力  兴趣是学生学习的动力,是他们获取知识的关键。在小学英语教学中运用思维导图,可以引导学生发现和思考问题,让他们带着问题学习知