Preparation and chiral recognitio of a novel chiral stationary phase for HPLC,based on mono(6~A-N-1-

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lifengjun001
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A novel chiral stationary phase (CSP)was prepared by immobilizing mono(6~A-N-1-(2-hydroxyl)-phenylethylimino-6~A- deoxy)-β-cyclodextrin onto the surface of silica gel via a longer spacer.This chiral stationary phase exhibited good enantios- electivity for a variety of chiral compounds under reversed-phase conditions. A novel chiral stationary phase (CSP) was prepared by immobilizing mono (6 ~ AN-1- (2-hydroxyl) -phenylethylimino-6 ~ A- deoxy) -β-cyclodextrin onto the surface of silica gel via a spacer. chiral stationary phase exhibited good enantios-electivity for a variety of chiral compounds with reversed-phase conditions.
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