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文化馆是我国文化工作有效展开的基础,群众文化好不好就看文化馆的公益性免费培训工作落实是否落实到位,当下,按照国家及省市关于文化惠民的政策要求,加快公共文化服务的多元化、社会化的步伐成为了文化馆免费培训工作的重要落脚点和行动指南,如何整合文化馆丰富的文化和艺术资源以及调动各类社会资源做好公益性文化免费培训工作,笔者结合自身工作实际谈一些粗浅的认识。 Cultural Center is the basis for the effective commencement of cultural work in our country. If the masses’ culture is good or not, take a look at the implementation of public cultural free training in the cultural centers. In the meantime, we should speed up the diversification of public cultural services according to the national, provincial and municipal policies on cultural benefiting people , The pace of socialization has become a cultural museum free training important landing page and action guide, how to integrate cultural centers rich cultural and artistic resources and the mobilization of all types of social resources to do a good job in public welfare culture free training, the author combined with their own practical work to talk about some Superficial understanding.
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