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喷锚支护作为永久衬砌在我国铁路隧道中的应用已有十几年的历史。在不同地质条件下,经受长时期地层压力、列车振动、气温变化影响的考验。到目前为止95.6%以上的区段是良好的,未发生过任何严重病害。通过多次现场试验也证明:喷锚支护比现浇混凝土的支护能力在相同条件下要大得多。 文章从岩体结构和岩体力学形态变化过程,论述围岩稳定条件和喷锚支护受力机理,以及相应的设计程序。 最后提出喷锚支护的出现,从实践上解决将围岩与支护作为统一结构体的概念去处理地下工程的支护问题。它的某些作用原理必将在指导今后改善已有支护结构形式及发展新型支护的过程中,发挥深远的影响。 Spray anchor support as a permanent lining in the application of the railway tunnel in our country more than 10 years of history. Under different geological conditions, it will withstand the influence of long-term formation pressure, train vibration and temperature changes. So far 95.6% of the sections are good and no serious disease has occurred. Through many field tests also proved: Spray anchor support than the cast-in-place concrete support ability to be much greater under the same conditions. In this paper, from the process of the change of rock mass structure and the mechanical form of rock mass, the stability conditions of surrounding rock and the mechanism of shotcrete and bolt support are discussed, and the corresponding design procedures are also discussed. At last, the emergence of shotcrete and bolt support is put forward, and the concept of surrounding rock and support as a unified structure is solved to deal with the support of underground engineering. Some of its principles of action will certainly exert far-reaching influence in guiding the improvement of the existing forms of support structures and the development of new types of support in the future.
目的 :对火车站防鼠灭鼠实验研究 ;方法 :降低鼠密度 ,建立外环境灭鼠毒饵站 ,站舍内定期投放更换盒装 0 .0 0 5 %溴敌隆灭鼠毒饵 ,定期调查鼠密度及监测鼠情 ;结论 :防灭结
日间手术是指手术患者在入院前完成术前检查、麻醉评估及手术预约,当日住院,当日手术,24 h内出院的一种手术管理模式。日间手术在欧美国家已有30年发展史,目前发达国家日间手