
来源 :国外医学.妇产科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:czq8068
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本文对原因不明不孕症妇女进行了前瞻性有控制的卵巢功能研究。受试者为175例经各项检查确诊为原因不明不孕症患者。在整个月经周期中每天定时取血查LH、FSH、雌二醇(E_2)及孕酮(P)。从周期第8天起每日行B超声检查到黄体形成时止,取优势卵泡3个径线的均值代表卵泡直经。黄体期至少行B超检查3次。若卵巢内囊性结构持续存在,则每48小时观察1次直到下次月经来潮后止。对照组为43例健康育龄志愿者。研究方法同前。激素值以LH峰日为0点同步化。计算早黄体 In this paper, unexplained infertility women were prospectively controlled ovarian function. Subjects for the 175 cases of various tests confirmed the cause of unexplained infertility. Blood samples were collected daily for LH, FSH, estradiol (E_2) and progesterone (P) during the entire menstrual cycle. From the eighth day of the cycle daily line of ultrasound B until the formation of the corpus luteum, take the dominant follicle mean diameter of the three representatives of follicular straight. Luteal phase B-line at least three times. If the ovarian cystic structure persists, then observed once every 48 hours until the next menstrual cramps only. The control group of 43 healthy childbearing age volunteers. Research methods with the previous. LH value of hormones to 0:00 synchronization. Calculate the early corpus luteum
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