
来源 :强激光与粒子束 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinglinqiuyi
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为了提高中子产额, 法兰克福强中子源采用Mobley型束团压缩器来增强打靶时质子流的密度, 其入口处由射频踢波器实现微脉冲的偏转,踢波器由一对电偏转板和串联电感线圈组成谐振腔体。考虑到高频下寄生电容效应、导体腔壁对线圈电感的影响以及涡流效应对线圈交流电阻的影响, 对一台模型腔的射频特性进行了理论预测。对腔体内电磁场分布进行了数值模拟, 并利用电容微扰法进行了冷模测量。针对谐振频率、品质因数和并联分路阻抗等参数, 分析比较了理论计算、数值模拟及冷模测量的结果, 总结得出射频踢波器的有效设计方法。
A photonic generation of multi-frequency source based on the heterodyne of two phase-locked optical frequency combs (OFCs) is proposed and demonstrated. By applying an optical phase-locked loop, the phase noise induced by optical links is decreased by app
The content of berberine hydrochloride (BH) in compound berberine tablets (CBTs) is subject to strict requirements. Its content is usually measured based on chemical analysis. In this paper, the fluorescence spectral imaging method was used to study the r
The approaches to obtaining desired intensity or phase modulation by twisted-nematic liquid crystal display (TN-LCD) have been extensively studied based on the knowledge of the LCD's internal structure parameters. Generally, the TN-LCD placed between two
采用时域有限差分法研究了内嵌镜像对称矩形腔长度、宽度及其位置对楔形金属狭缝阵列结构透射特性的影响。研究发现, 采用此结构形成的光子晶体结构所产生的能带可以调控禁带, 不仅在短波长范围存在明显的传输禁带, 而且在长波长范围具有较好的增强透射, 表明这种内嵌镜像对称矩形腔进一步破坏了类法布里-珀罗腔共振条件, 更有利于短波长范围表面等离激元能量局域在腔内, 同时提高长波长范围的透射率。矩形腔位置是影响传输禁带和透射特性的主要因素, 其越接近中心位置, 禁带越宽, 透射率越高; 矩形腔厚度主要影响禁带宽度, 厚
High quality zinc oxide (ZnO) micro/nano nails were prepared through thermal evaporation on the Si (100) substrate. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image shows that the bottom of the nanometer nails present hexagonal structure. The tip diameter of the
采用激光沉积制造技术制备TA15钛合金裂纹扩展速率(da/dN)以及平面应变断裂韧度(KIC)试样, 采用金相显微镜(OM)以及扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察微观组织与断口形貌。结果表明: 沿沉积高度方向, 组织呈现典型的β晶粒外延生长, β晶粒内部为α/β片层及集束组成的网篮组织; 三种扩展方向下, YOZ面裂纹扩展速率最快, XOY面裂纹具有较低的扩展速率; 平面应变KIC受裂纹预制扩展方向和β晶粒位向影响, 表现为各向异性。裂纹扩展平面垂直β柱状晶时, KIC最大达86.36 MPa·m1/2, 当β
A plasma source utilizing direct current (DC) voltage between an anode and a hot hollow cathode is employed to create high-density plasma. Plasma spatial distribution, ion energy, plasma neutralisation, and current densities are found to be separately tun