Analysis and combined optimization of the cladding layer in outcoupling-improved top emitting OLEDs

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Within the associated framework of metal-dielectric films optics and the dual-metal-mirror microcavity structure, the effect of a cladding dielectric layer on the light outcoupling efficiency of the top emitting orgainic light-emitting devices (OLEDs) is analyzed. A combined evaluation followed by detailed design and optimization is proposed and described in detail. The analysis shows that this cladding layer affects the device’s outcoupling efficiency with three different extents as the thickness of the metal layer in the multilayer cathode varying. The simulation results give a reasonable agreement with former experiment results. Within the associated framework of metal-dielectric films optics and the dual-metal-mirror microcavity structure, the effect of a cladding dielectric layer on the light outcoupling efficiency of the top emitting orgainic light-emitting devices (OLEDs) is analyzed. followed by detailed design and optimization is proposed and described in detail. The analysis shows that that cladding layer affects the device’s outcoupling efficiency with three different extents as the thickness of the metal layer in the multilayer cathode varying. former experiment results.
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