
来源 :中国给水排水 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:warinkeng
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2016年4月,由于企业偷排废水,酿成了江西新余仙女湖突发环境事件,新余市部分水厂停水。该事件主要污染物为镉、铊、砷,属重金属复合污染,应急净水的难度大。课题组在原有分别针对这几种污染物的应急净水技术的基础上,通过现场试验,确定了应对镉、铊、砷复合污染的水厂应急净水工艺,并在新余市的第三水厂和河下镇水厂实施了应急净水,及时恢复了城市供水。在应急净水的氧化处理技术上有新的突破,为了满足除铊效果,需要投加过量的高锰酸钾,为此在沉后水投加焦亚硫酸钠,用来还原剩余的高锰酸钾,并投加助滤剂强化滤池过滤效果,从而大幅度提升了工艺的可操控性和处理效果的稳定性。所确定的应对镉、铊、砷复合污染的应急净水工艺,易于改造和运行,净水效果稳定,适用于不同类型的水厂,在应对多种重金属复合污染的应急净水技术上有重要发展。 In April 2016, part of the waterworks in Xinyu City stopped water because enterprises were stealing waste water and causing environmental emergencies at Fairy Lake, Xinyu, Jiangxi Province. The main pollutants of this event are cadmium, thallium and arsenic, belonging to the heavy metal compound pollution and the difficulty of emergency water purification. On the basis of the original emergency water purification technologies for these pollutants, the research group determined the emergency water purification process of waterworks that should cope with the combined pollution of cadmium, thallium and arsenic through on-site tests. In the third water of Xinyu City The factory and river town water plant implemented emergency water purification, timely restoration of urban water supply. In the emergency water purification oxidation technology has a new breakthrough, in order to meet the addition of thallium effect, the need to dosing excess potassium permanganate, for this purpose in the sedimentation water dosing sodium metabisulfite, used to restore the remaining potassium permanganate , And adding filter aid to strengthen the filtering effect of the filter, thus greatly enhancing the process controllability and stability of the treatment effect. The identified emergency water purification process that is capable of coping with the combined pollution of cadmium, thallium and arsenic is easy to be reformed and operated, the water purification effect is stable, and it is suitable for different types of water plants. It is important in the emergency water purification technology to cope with various heavy metal compound pollution development of.
【dialect】Dialect is a language variety which is associated with a geographical area and/or the social background of the speaker.For example,a British speaker
<正> C-反应蛋白(CRP)是一种急性时相蛋白,常用于各种患慢性感染、组织损伤、恶性肿瘤、心梗、手术创伤等疾病的辅助诊断和治疗监测。临床上常用胶乳凝集试验来检测CRP的含量