Effect of temperature on noninvasive blood glucose monitoring in vivo using optical coherence tomogr

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Noninvasive glucose monitoring (NIGM) techniques based on optical coherence tomography (OCT) are affected by several perturbing factors, including variation of tissue temperature. We first design a temperature control module integrated with an optical scanning probe to precisely control the temperature of skin tissues. We investigate the influence of temperature on NIGM with OCT by correlation analysis at different depths of in vivo human skin. On average, the relative changes in attenuation coefficient ( μt ) per 1 °C of temperature lead to 0.30 ± 0.097 mmol/L prediction error of blood glucose concentration. For improving the accuracy of NIGM, this temperature dependence must be taken into account.
Taking into consideration the aperture averaging, the system performance of a point-to-multipoint free space optical (FSO) system for various multiuser diversity scheduling schemes is studied over exponentiated Weibull (EW) fading channels. The selection
采用随机相位屏仿真方法模拟了各向异性大气湍流及贝塞尔高斯涡旋光束在其中的强度分布、在轴闪烁指数和抖动效应, 分析了各向异性湍流参数和波源参数对涡旋光束传输质量的影响.结果表明, 在各向异性大气湍流中, 贝塞尔高斯涡旋光束的强度分布随传输距离的变化情况与离轴距离有关, 仅一级圆环处强度值单调递减, 其余次级圆环处强度值均呈现先增后降的趋势.在近距离处, 贝塞尔高斯涡旋光束的在轴闪烁指数随波形参数的增大而减小, 随光束宽度的增大呈现先上升后下降再上升的趋势, 该现象与贝塞尔高斯光束的光斑尺寸大小相关; 其抖动
Nd3 :La2Be2O5(Nd3 :BEL)是一种具有单斜结构的双轴晶体,发射线性偏振荧光谱,当E∥X时,荧光峰值波长为1.070 μm, E∥y(b)时,λ=1.079 μm.本文测量了Nd3 :BEL单晶的吸收谱,偏振和非偏振荧光谱,低温荧光谱(77 K°)和荧光寿命,(τ=135±5 μs),并且分析了其光谱特性与Nd3 :YAG作了比较,认为Nd3 :BEL更适合激光二极管泵浦.
采用溶胶-凝胶(sol-gel)法制备SnO2薄膜, 通过对薄膜的不同处理方式(热处理和氨处理)所获得的SnO2薄膜的比较, 研究了氨处理SnO2薄膜的光学性质。 实验结果表明氨处理溶胶-凝胶SnO2薄膜不仅具有良好的增透特性, 同时也具有较好的机械强度和电学性能。
A multi-view three-dimensional (3D) display provides a more realistic experience than a two-view 3D display. Therefore, a multi-view 3D display with high brightness based on a parallax barrier is proposed. The parallax barrier in the 3D display has a grad
翘曲变形是影响层合板激光弯曲成形精度的重要因素, 因此研究激光往复扫描过程中的翘曲变形具有重要的实际意义。文中使用ANSYS软件, 建立不锈钢-碳钢层合板有限元模型, 通过模拟激光作用下层合板的温度场、应力场分布, 结合自由端的变形, 分析了单道往复式扫描翘曲变形机理。模拟结果表明: 随着往复扫描次数的增加, 温度场扫描线两端区域温度交替波动升高使两端热量均衡, 中间区域热累积现象使热应力增大。每次激光扫描后, 激光作用区板材下表面的残余应力场对下次扫描时的翘曲变形都有一定促进作用, 使翘曲变形增大, 1