Electrochemical Degradation of o-Chloronitrobenzene by Three-dimensional Electrodes

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smashnj
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Degradation of o-chloronitrobenzene wastewater was experimentally investigated at a three-dimensional electrode(TDE) with granular activated carbon as the particle electrode, graphite as the anode, and stainless steel plate as the cathode. The kinetic model of o-chloronitrobenzene degradation was studied, and the effects of pH, electrolysis time, particle electrode, electrolyte concentration, and initial concentration of the solution on degradation efficiency were investigated to determine the optimal operating conditions. The degradation of o-chloronitrobenzene by oxidation at the TDE was monitored by chemical oxygen demand(COD) measurements, UV-Vis absorption, and high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC). COD degradation by electrochemical degradation followed pseudo-first order kinetics with respect to the concentration of o-chloronitrobenzene solutions. Optimal reaction conditions included 15 g of activated carbon as the particle electrode, 400 mg/L o-chloronitrobenzene solution containing 0.10 mol/L Na2SO4, pH=3, and 60 min of electrolysis. The UV-Vis absorption spectra and HPLC results illustrate that the benzene ring in o-chloronitrobenzene was rapidly broken down to form aliphatic substances through electrochemical degradation. COD degradation was approximately 98.5% at optimal conditions. Degradation of o-chloronitrobenzene wastewater was experimentally investigated at a three-dimensional electrode (TDE) with granular activated carbon as the particle electrode, graphite as the anode, and stainless steel plate as the cathode. The kinetic model of o-chloronitrobenzene degradation was studied , and the effects of pH, electrolysis time, particle electrode, electrolyte concentration, and initial concentration of the solution on degradation efficiency were investigated to determine the optimal operating conditions. The degradation of o-chloronitrobenzene by oxidation at the TDE was monitored by chemical oxygen Demand (COD) measurements, UV-Vis absorption, and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). COD degradation by electrochemical degradation followed pseudo-first order kinetics with respect to the concentration of o-chloronitrobenzene solutions. carbon as the particle electrode, 400 mg / L o-chloronitrobenzene solutio The UV-Vis absorption spectra and HPLC results illustrate that the benzene ring was o-chloronitrobenzene was rapidly broken down to form aliphatic substances through electrochemical degradation. COD degradation was approximately 98.5% at optimal conditions.
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