企业科技创新管理体制 机制模式探讨

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当今世界,人类已进入以知识(智力)资源的占有、配置、生产、分配和使用为重要因素的崭新时期,科技进步成为经济发展的第一推动力,而科技创新是科技进步的决定性因素,是一个国家、一个地区、一个企业实力竞争的关键,也是企业发展的永恒主题。尤其是科技型企业,是知识经济的挑战者和带动区域经济发展的主力军,必须建立与企业发展要求相适应的现代企业的科技创新管理体制、机制。因为,企业科技创新管理体制、机制是建立现代企业制度的重要内容,也是企业在市场中处于竞争优势的关键环节所在。所以,企业在科技创新过程中首先要解决管理体制、机制的问题。本文作者参考有关学者的研究和结合个人工作思考,从建立四项管理体制、七种运行机制探讨“企业科技创新管理体制、机制模式”。 In today’s world, mankind has entered a brand-new era with the possession, allocation, production, distribution and use of knowledge (intellectual) resources as the most important factor. Technological progress has become the first impetus for economic development. Technological innovation is the decisive factor for scientific and technological progress. Is a country, a region, a key strength of business competition, but also the eternal theme of enterprise development. In particular, science and technology enterprises are challengers of the knowledge-based economy and the main force driving the development of regional economy. It is necessary to establish a scientific and technological innovation management system and mechanism for modern enterprises that suits the requirements of enterprise development. Because, enterprise science and technology innovation management system, mechanism is to establish an important part of the modern enterprise system, but also the enterprises in the market in the competitive advantage of the key link. Therefore, enterprises in the process of technological innovation must first solve the management system and mechanism issues. With reference to the scholars’ research and the consideration of individual work, the author of the paper discusses four aspects of management system and seven operational mechanisms to explore “enterprise science and technology innovation management system and mechanism model”.
近来 ,企业之间以非现金资产抵偿债务的情况越来越普遍 ,为了进一步规范企业以非现金资产抵偿债务的会计核算 ,现对企业以非现金资产抵偿债务的会计处理规定如下 :一、企业以
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