思想政治工作是我党的优良传统和政治优势,是我们做好一切工作的动力和源泉。赤峰市以思想政治工作促发展,保稳定,统一了思想,凝聚了人心,取得了显著成效。 一、结合实际,认真抓好上级文件精神的学习宣传和落实 中央和自治区党委关于加强和改进思想政治工作的文
Ideological and political work is the fine tradition and political superiority of our party and the driving force and source for everything we do. Chifeng City, with its ideological and political work to promote development, ensure stability, unify its thinking, unite the people and achieved remarkable results. I. Combining with the actual situation, we should conscientiously do a good job in studying and propagandizing the spirit of the superior documents and implementing the articles of the party committees of the central and regional governments on strengthening and improving the ideological and political work