The effects of applying an assessment form based on the health functional patterns on nursing studen

来源 :国际护理科学(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenshuae9o
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Objectives: Comprehensive nursing assessment,as the first step in the nursing process,involves the systematic and constant data gathering to facilitate the development of the patient-specific nursing process.The aim of this study is to determine the effects of applying an assessment form based on the health functional patts on nursing student’s attitude and skills in developing nursing process.Methods: A randomized controlling design was conducted.Of 84 undergraduate nursing students,42 students were allocated to the intervention or control group.In clinical education,a patient assessment form based on Gordon’s functional health patts was applied to help students in the intervention group to develop nursing process,while the control group received traditional methods.The data were gathered using a demographic information questionnaire,skills in nursing process development checklist,and attitudes towards nursing process questionnaire.Results: The average scores for students’ attitude and skills in developing nursing process in the intervention group were greater than those of the control group.Conclusion: Applying nursing assessment using the patient assessment form based on Gordon’s functional health patts can improve the students’ leing in developing nursing process.
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