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7月~9月,是高温干旱期,也是柑桔果实膨大期和早秋梢抽发期。由于早秋梢是柑桔树来年良好的结果母枝,因此,柑桔壮果肥施用是否得当,不仅直接影响到柑桔当年的品质和产量,还影响到柑桔来年的产量。巧施柑桔壮果肥,一是要巧选肥料。据实验结果:每株成年树施沤熟的菜枯2.5公斤加过磷酸钙1公斤,效果最为理想,其果实个大、味甜,成熟时可溶性固形物含量可达12%以上,品质优,且早秋梢粗壮、叶色浓绿。每株施复合肥1.5公斤~2.5公斤效果也较理 From July to September, it is a period of high temperature and drought. It is also the period of citrus fruit swollen and early autumn shoots pumping. As the early autumn shoots citrus fruit tree is a good result in the coming year, therefore, the application of citrus fruit manure is not only directly affect the quality and yield of citrus year, but also affect the citrus production in the coming year. Clever citrus Zhuang fat, one is to choose fertilizers. According to the result of the experiment, each adult tree is ripened with 2.5 kg of vegetable oil and 1 kg of superphosphate, the effect is the most ideal. The fruit is big and sweet, and the soluble solid content can reach 12% when mature, And early autumn thick stout, dark green leaves. Hefei fertilizer applied to each plant 1.5 kg ~ 2.5 kg effect is reasonable