
来源 :石河子农学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:marsxiaozhu
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西北是葡萄适宜栽植区域,新疆吐鲁番地区已植有葡萄10万余亩,预计在本世纪末扩大栽植至30万亩,为此生产大量种苗是当前迫切的问题。由于需苗量大,繁殖材料亦为不足,如果把夏季多次修剪的绿枝有效地利用起来进行育苗,可扩大繁殖材料的来源,延长扦插适期,加快繁殖速度,为解决紧迫的苗木辟出捷经。利用生长调节物质,提高葡萄扦插成活率,前人亦作过一些工作,在此基础上,我们对绿枝扦插,并加入部分能量物质进行试验以图找出绿枝的宜用浓度范围。 Northwest is the suitable planting area for grapes. More than 100,000 mu of grapes have been planted in Turpan region of Xinjiang. It is estimated that 300,000 mu will be expanded and planted by the end of this century. Therefore, it is an urgent issue to produce a large number of seedlings for this purpose. Due to the large amount of seedlings needed and the lack of breeding material, if the green pruning of pruning in summer is effectively utilized for nursery, the source of propagating materials may be expanded to extend the appropriate period of cuttage and speed up propagation. In order to solve the problem of pressing seedlings Out of the Czech Republic. The use of growth regulators to improve the survival rate of grape cuttings, predecessors also made some work, on this basis, we cut the green branches, and add some energy substances to test in order to find the appropriate range of green branches.
为了给自己的宝宝打下良好的基础,在怀孕前,许多夫妻提早半年甚至一年就开始做准备了,夫妻双方都会各自建立一个周密的计划表,上面记录着许多注 In order to lay a good fou
灰树花(Polyporus frondosus Dicks。ex Fr.)又名莲花菌、贝叶多孔菌,子实体由许多菌盖和分枝的菌柄组成,几十枚重叠在一起,看上去犹如佛袖起舞,因此日本人又称它舞茸。据文