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伟大的社会主义祖国迎来了改革开放的第十个春天。《水泥技术》杂志从一九八四年创刊至今也步入了第七个年头。回顾过去,在国家建材局、著名专家学者的关怀及编委会的领导下。《水泥技术》紧紧遵循办刊宗旨,贯彻双百方针,立足国内、放眼世界,努力传播先进技术,尤其注重宣传我国在新型干法技术方面取得的科研设计成果;注重为地方水泥工业服务;注重技术内容的理论性及应用性;注重经济效益及社会效益。通过不断创新与改进,《水泥技术》保持了技术内容先进和装帧精美,做到了内容和形式统一,已形成了自己的风格和特点,受到国内外读者的赞誉。在一九八八年度建材技术系列期刊评比中,荣获一等奖,这是领导部门及广大读者给予《水泥技术》的鼓励,并鞭策我们向更高的层次发展。九十年代已进入了第一个春天,《水泥技术》正在踏入新的征程。它将遵循“七 The great socialist motherland ushered in the tenth spring of reform and opening up. Cement Technology magazine has also entered its seventh year since it was founded in 1984. Recalling the past, under the care of the National Building Material Bureau, renowned experts and scholars, and under the leadership of the editorial board. ”Cement Technology“ closely follows the purpose of running the magazine, implements the double-hundred policy, based on the domestic and the world, strives to disseminate advanced technology, and especially pays attention to publicizing China’s scientific research and design achievements in the new dry process technology, and pays attention to serving the local cement industry; Pay attention to the theoretical and application of technical content; focus on economic and social benefits. Through continuous innovation and improvement, ”Cement Technology“ has maintained advanced technological content and exquisite binding. It has achieved unity of content and form, and has formed its own style and characteristics. It has been praised by readers at home and abroad. In the evaluation of the building materials technology series of periodicals in 1988, it won the first prize. This is the encouragement given by the leadership department and readers to Cement Technology, and it urges us to develop to a higher level. Since the 1990s have entered the first spring, ”Cement Technology“ is entering a new journey. It will follow ” seven
美国战略防御计划(SDI)自1985年开始实施以来已花费了160亿美元。目前,其预算额还在逐年增加。1985年10月,国防部估计SDI第一阶段将耗 The US Strategic Defense Plan (SDI
机械工业动力科技情报网1989年年会于 11月15日至18日在郑州召开,参加会议的成 员单位有35个,共40人;非成员单位有29个, 共48人。 会议介绍了《锅炉房设计规范》修订情 The
本文介绍了机电部组合机床产品质量监督检测中心的设备、人员配置等基本情况,和该中心建立以来为提高组合机床行业的产品质量所开展的各项工作情况。 This paper introduces
长征二号E发射成功后,中国长城工业公司副总经理陈寿椿在西昌卫星发射中心就这次试射及有关对外发射问题回答了记者的提问。 问:你对长征二号E运载火箭的发射有何评论? 答: