
来源 :西南民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wayl1s1s
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云南省弥渡县县委书记段林关心国防建设、热爱武装事业,被人武部官兵赞誉为“情系国防的好书记”。弥渡县是一个贫困农业大县。2004年9月,段林上任县委书记、县人武部党委第一书记后,用坚韧的双肩挑起了全县32万人民的希望。上任伊始,他就想到了人武部的工作情况。还在云龙任县委书记时,他就用牢记“两个务必”、创一流业绩的精神抓云龙县人武部的全面建设,武装部先后被成都军区、云南省军区和大理军分区评为“先进党委”、“先进人武部”。到弥渡后,他凭借在云龙的经验,始终把国防建设列入党委议事日程。从了解党委班子建设和人武(专武)干部队伍建设到民兵训练、整组、征兵等工作, Duan Lin, secretary of county party committee in Midu County, Yunnan Province, cares about national defense construction and loves armed affairs and is praised by officers and soldiers of the armed forces as “a good secretary of defense for the national defense.” Midu County is a poor agricultural county. In September 2004, Duan Lin took the post of secretary of the county party committee and first secretary of the county armed forces party committee, provoking the hope of 320,000 people in the county with his tough shoulders. He took office at the beginning, he thought of the work of the Ministry of People’s Armed Police. When he was still Yunlong’s secretary of the county party committee, he used the spirit of “two musts” and first-class achievements to grasp the overall construction of Yunlong County People’s Armed Forces Department. The Armed Forces successively rated him as “advanced” in Chengdu Military Region, Yunnan Military Region and Dali Army Region Party committee “,” advanced military department. " To Midu, he relied on his experience in Yunlong and always included the construction of national defense in the party’s agenda. From understanding the construction of the party committees and the cadre ranks of armed forces (special forces armed forces) to the training of militiamen, the entire group and conscription of troops,
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