
来源 :浙江电化教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:amoyzhu
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近期来,学校常反映投影器聚焦不清,认为是投影器质量有问题。经过多次的检查,我们发现多数投影器的质量没有间题,聚焦不清主要是由于使用不当而造成的。现将我了解到的投影器聚焦不清的一些原因及排除方法简述如下: 1.投影器距离银幕太近。由于教室太小或学生人数太多等原因,许多教室内的投影器都放在讲台边,距银幕不足1.5米,教师再怎么调焦也调不清。投影器聚焦有一定范围,一般应距银幕1.5米至2.5米,太近、太远均不能成清晰的像。像这种情况,调整投影器放置的位置后,成像就清晰了。 2.聚光镜、反光镜等积尘太多。由于教室地面灰尘多,加上投影器没有采取防尘措施,用了一段时间后,投影器上积尘很多,使投 In the recent past, schools often reflect the projector is not focused, that there is a problem with the projector quality. After many inspections, we found that the quality of most projectors did not matter, inaccurately due to improper use. Now I understand some of the projector focus is unclear and troubleshooting methods are as follows: 1. The projector is too close to the screen. Due to the classroom is too small or too many students and other reasons, many classroom projectors are placed on the edge of the podium, less than 1.5 meters from the screen, the teacher no longer how to focus on the tune. Projector focus a certain range, the general should be 1.5 meters to 2.5 meters from the screen, too close, too far can not be as clear as. In this case, the image is clear after adjusting the position of the projector. 2 condensers, mirrors and other dust too much. Due to dust on the classroom floor, coupled with the projector did not take dust-proof measures, with a period of time, the projector dust on the lot of investment
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