
来源 :农村实用工程技术(农业工程) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feya520
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近年来,养鱼业迅速发展。但是,千家万户开挖小型鱼塘多采用肩挑的方法,费工费时造价高,很不合算。经不少专业户实践,采用杠杆法开挖小型鱼塘或清理鱼塘污泥,是一种简单易行的开塘技术,可以达到省工省时、提高开挖效率的目的。采用杠杆法开挖鱼塘,最适宜于直径10米以内的小型鱼塘。需要备好如下材料:两根木杆或空心钢管,一根作支轴,长3米左右,一根作横杆,长4至7米或根据鱼塘大小确定长度;一根较粗的棕绳或铁丝,5米左右;一只铁钩,用来悬挂装土工具;数件挖土工具和装土工具、包括锄头、铁锹、簸箕、木桶。安装杠杆的方法是:1.在鱼塘上,挖一个1米深的坑,将支轴竖入坑中,然后四周填满泥土和石头,用力压紧。2.在支轴的顶端穿一个孔,将绳子或铁丝穿过,下面系着横杆。系着部位称为支点,支点两头 In recent years, the fish industry has developed rapidly. However, tens of thousands of households use small-sized fish ponds to use shoulder-picking methods. It is not cost-effective to spend a lot of time and money. After many professional households practice, using the lever method to excavate small fish ponds or clean up sludge from fish ponds is a simple and easy technique for opening ponds, which can save time and labor and increase excavation efficiency. The use of a lever method to excavate fish ponds is most suitable for small fish ponds within 10 meters in diameter. Need to prepare the following materials: two wooden poles or hollow steel tubes, one for the fulcrum, about 3 meters long, one for the bar, 4 to 7 meters long or determine the length according to the size of the pond; a thicker brown rope Or iron wire, about 5 meters; a hook, used to hang loading tools; a number of excavation tools and loading tools, including hammers, shovels, rakes, barrels. The method of installing the levers is: 1. Dig a 1-meter-deep pit on the fish pond, erect the fulcrum into the pit, and then fill it with dirt and stones and press hard. 2. Put a hole in the top of the fulcrum, pass the rope or wire, and tie the bar below. The tying point is called the fulcrum, and the fulcrum is two.
一、问题的提出目前,我国基础学段外语教学现状不容乐观, 外语教学水平、教学方法普遍存在费时较多、收效较低的问题;由于我们生活在汉语的世界中,学生在课堂外几乎听不到英
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我国的能源消耗随着经济的发展而不断的增高,尤其是建筑行业,从而导致我国资源短缺形式愈发的严重。本文就分析了南沙档案信息展览中心的绿色建筑设计。 China’s energy co
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