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目前長江汛期已過,鄱陽湖水逐漸下降,災區被淹土地房屋已大部退出,受災羣衆正在陸續還鄉。關係着災區數百萬人民今後生產和生活安全的巨大復堤堵口工程,即將全面開始了。災區各級人民政府,必須以全力組織領導災區人民,組織起來,開展生產自救運動,堅决完成今冬明春的復堤堵口任務,進一步做好安置救濟災民工作,以支援災區恢復生產,幫助災民重整家園。爲此,特作如下指示: 一、我省今年的洪水是近百年來所未有的,由於水勢過大、過猛、過久,將近有二千公里的堤綫被水漫决,堤身被水冲刷,土方損失甚爲嚴重。爲了確保災區人民今後生產的安全,對於所有被毀圩堤,必須在今冬明春加以全部恢復,並根據今年水位情况,對一些有特殊政治、經濟意義 At present, the flood season in the Yangtze River has passed, and the Poyang Lake water has gradually decreased. Most of the houses flooded by the disaster areas have largely exited. The affected people are returning home after another. The huge embankment blockage project that will affect the safety of the production and livelihood of millions of people in the disaster-stricken areas will soon begin its round. The people’s governments at all levels in the disaster-stricken areas must fully organize and lead the people in the disaster-stricken areas to organize themselves to carry out the campaign of self-help in production and resolutely complete the task of blocking the dyke breakwater in the winter and spring and winter and do a better job in settling relief and relief work to support the disaster-stricken areas to resume production and help The victims reset their homes. To this end, special instructions for the following: First, the floods in our province this year is unprecedented in nearly a hundred years, due to the water potential is too large, too long, too long, nearly two thousand kilometers of embankment line was overwhelmed by water, Water erosion, earthwork loss is very serious. In order to ensure the safety of the people in the disaster-stricken areas in the future, all the dykes that have been destroyed must be fully restored this winter and next spring and, according to the water level this year, some special political and economic significance
中共中央决定在天津建立周恩来邓颖超纪念馆的消息不胫而走,首先在周恩来、邓颖超生前身边的工作人员和亲友间传颂着。 赵清阁是我国著名女作家,早在抗日战争时期,她就与周
植物保護工作是與自然災害作鬥爭、保證農業增產的一項重要措施。幾年來,植物保護工作雖有一定成績與經驗,但距離農業生產上的需要還很大。因此,加强領導, Plant protectio
1928年6月29日,张鼎丞、罗秋天、阮山、卢肇西等领导的永定农民武装暴动,是党的“八七”会议后,福建党组织领导举行的规模最大、影响最深远的农民武装暴动。 第一次大革命失
省府鉴於各項林木籽种成熟期已届,本年秋季造林即將展開,特颁发一九五○年秋季造林注意事項,茲摘要如下:在秋季造林前,各專署应召集所 In view of the mature maturing per
“任何涉人一条新的河流的人都想知道这里的水来自何方,它为什么这样流淌”。美国传播学者Everett M.Rogers在《传播学史——一种传记式的方法》开篇写下的这句名言,对众多传播学学子而言并不陌生。如果追溯传播学的发展史,特别是其作为一个“学科”在美国大学获得一席之地,以我现在所熟悉的范式建构起来并延续至今时,Rogers的老师Wilbur Schramm(他在香港时用“宣伟伯”的译名,大陆译为施拉姆)在此过程中发挥了关键作用。
6月26日,湖北省纪念中原突围胜利50周年大会在武昌洪山礼堂隆重举行。会议由省委副书记、省长蒋祝平主持。 大会首先宣读了中国人民解放军总政治部的贺信,以及原中原军区老领
1926年9月,国民革命军左翼军由湖南进入湖北公安,以贺龙领导的第九军第一师为主,在第二师(师长杨其昌)和第十军的配合下,进行了北伐战争史上著名的黄金口之战。 September