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69岁的老王患有关节炎,他宁可受热,也不肯开空调。半夜热得出大汗,他醒来上厕所,竟昏倒在卫生间,幸亏老伴发现,把他送到医院急诊。检查发现其体温38℃,神志不清,喊他他能答应,但不能回答问题,脸偏向一侧,一例肢体僵硬,诊断为“缺血性脑中风”。经抢救后第二天醒来,但左侧上下肢活动不灵活,出现偏瘫。 69-year-old Phallus suffering from arthritis, he would rather heat, but also refused to open air conditioning. Sweat sweating the middle of the night, he woke up to the toilet, actually collapsed in the bathroom, thanks to his wife found that he was taken to the hospital emergency room. Examination found that the body temperature 38 ℃, unconsciousness, shouting him he can agree, but can not answer the question, face biased to one side, a case of limb stiffness, diagnosed as “ischemic stroke.” Wake up the day after the rescue, but the activities on the left and right limbs inflexible, hemiplegia.
AIM:To observe the synergistic effects of hyperthermia in oxaliplatin-induced cytotoxicity in human colon adenocarcinoma Lovo cells.METHODS:The human colon aden
Patient:Doctor,I getheartburn every time Ieat birthday cake.Doctor:Next time,takeoff the candles. Patient: Doctor, I getheartburn every time Ieat birthday cake
电脑能不能更像电话,或者电话能不能更像电脑?Newcomer Pingtel明显是倾向于后者,因为它们认为电脑对于语音传输来说永远是不可靠的。 正是因为这一观点,Pingtel开发了一款