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背景:近年来,随着房价的走高,二手房市场也日益火爆,大量聚集的资金,让“房地产中介+金融+互联网”的模式越来越吃香。然而,由于地产中介金融服务绕过了商业银行的贷款机制,导致资金的流动缺乏有效监管,潜在的风险无处不在。依法规范地产中介机构的金融服务活动,显得十分紧迫(3月21日《法制日报》)地产中介提供金融服务,其初衷是为了促销房产,但客观上却解决了购房者首付资金不足的燃眉难题。从全国 Background: In recent years, with the rising of house prices, the second-hand housing market is also getting hotter and hotter. The large amount of funds gathered makes the model of “Real Estate Agency + Finance + Internet” more and more popular. However, as real estate intermediary financial services bypass commercial banks’ lending mechanisms, resulting in the lack of effective regulation of the flow of funds, potential risks are everywhere. According to the law, real estate intermediary financial services activities, it is very urgent (March 21, “Legal Daily”) real estate intermediaries to provide financial services, the original intention is to promote real estate, but objectively solved the buyers down payment of insufficient funds problem. From the country
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心理学研究证明,思维永远是由问题开始的,创造潜能往往就在排疑解难的过程中被激发出来。可见“问”对培养学生创新精神十分重要。下面结合教学实践,谈谈我的一些思考。 Psy
我始终不明白  每天晚餐之后  爸爸胡子里的故事  像一座座梦的浮桥  摇摇晃晃  带我走进童话般奇幻的森林里  王子 公主 巫婆 巫师  木偶 纸人 人鱼 灰狼  不请自来  随处可见  可是啊可是  每当爸爸呼呼大睡之后  那座浮想翩翩的浮桥  不再等我返回  早已悄悄收起  我始终不明白  镜子前的爸爸  用泡沫  把自己打扮成圣诞老人的滑稽  剃须刀推啊推啊  像剪草坪的爷爷  修剪着疯长
Lawrence makes a lot contribution for English literature;his theory on art is a great treasure for us.His criticism is informal and independent.He believe the c
A spherical thermistor, an accurate temperature sensor, is employed as an air velocity sensor in this work. The measuring principle is derived and the effects o