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目的评价克拉玛依市《全国结核病防治规划(2011~2015年)》(以下简称《规划》)实施情况,分析实施过程中存在的困难和问题,为全市结核病防治工作可持续发展提供参考的依据。方法按照《新疆维吾尔自治区结核病防治规划(2011~2015年)》实施效果评估方案,收集2011~2015年克拉玛依市市级和4个行政区的规划评估调查,应用Epidata和Excel 2007软件进行数据统计分析。结果 2011~2015年克拉玛依市投入结核病防治专项经费272.1万元,累计接诊肺结核疑似者3 537例,综合医院报告肺结核患者总体到位率为97.62%;全市登记活动性肺结核患者684例,其中新涂阳患者294例,活动性肺结核和新涂阳肺结核患者登记率分别为45.18/10万和18.99/10万。活动性肺结核患者和涂阳病人登记率分别由2011年的35.31/10万和20.97/10万下降到2015年的28.56/10万和11.88/10万,年递降率分别为4.14%和10.74%。成功治疗活动性肺结核患者633例,涂阳患者总体治愈率为88.98%。累计减少因肺结核病死亡171例,避免新感染2 657人,避免新发病例266例,节省医药费用达26.07万元,换回社会总经济价值达56 274.74万元。每挽回1个DALY投入成本为714.27元,每投入1元钱结核病防治经费,可产生206.91元经济效益。结论通过《规划》的实施,全市结防工作成效显著,取得了较好的社会效果和经济效益。 Objective To evaluate the implementation status of the National TB Control Program (2011-2015) in Karamay (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”), analyze the difficulties and problems existing in the implementation process, and provide a reference for the sustainable development of tuberculosis prevention and control work in the city. Methods According to the evaluation plan of implementation effect of tuberculosis prevention and control in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (2011-2015), a survey of planning assessment of municipal and four districts of Karamay from 2011 to 2015 was collected. Epidata and Excel 2007 software were used for data statistical analysis. Results From 2011 to 2015, Karamay invested a total of 2.271 million yuan in prevention and treatment of tuberculosis and accumulated 3 537 cases of suspected pulmonary tuberculosis. The general hospital reported an overall rate of 97.62% of tuberculosis patients, and 684 cases of active tuberculosis were registered in the city. Among them, 294 cases of positive patients, active tuberculosis and smear positive tuberculosis patients registration rates were 45.18 / 100,000 and 18.99 / 100,000. The registration rates of active pulmonary tuberculosis patients and smear positive patients decreased from 35.31 / 100000 and 20.97 / 100000 in 2011 to 28.56 / 100000 and 11.88 / 100000 in 2015 respectively, and the annual decline rates were 4.14% and 10.74% respectively. Successful treatment of active tuberculosis patients 633 cases, smear positive overall cure rate was 88.98%. A total of 171 cases of death due to tuberculosis were avoided, 2 657 cases of new infections were avoided, 266 cases of new cases were avoided, the cost of medicine was saved 260,700 yuan, and the total economic value of society reached 56,274,400 yuan. Each saved a DALY input costs 714.27 yuan, each invested 1 yuan in funds for tuberculosis prevention and control can produce 206.91 yuan economic benefits. Conclusion Through the implementation of “Planning”, the work of water prevention and prevention in the whole city has achieved remarkable results and achieved good social and economic benefits.
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上海崇源2004秋季艺术品拍卖会将于9月29日至30日在上海大剧院举行,预展时间为9月27日、28日。本刊特选登此场拍卖中四幅较具份量的书画精品,以飨读者。 Shanghai Chongyua