Significant inconsistencies in the location of the fault, as identified by the two overlapping 3D seismic data in the northwestern Endicott field, have lateral homing deviations up to 1,000 feet (300 meters) above the seismic profile. The interpretation of the fault location is so unreliable that it poses a great risk to wells. In order to quantitatively describe and correct the earthquake homing error, a three-dimensional velocity model is established by ray tracing simulation. The resulting horizontal homing error map reveals a significant change in homing bias within the Endicott field, mainly due to lateral variations in the thickness of the permafrost. The homing error map is used to correct the location of the feature on the seismic results map so that several development wells are successfully shot in close proximity to the main fault. Before proceeding with the study, these well positions for optimizing mining were considered too risky to accept. Three-dimensional post-stack depth migration was performed on the seismic data using the finally determined velocity model, and the relocated images consistent with the ray tracing prediction results were given. In addition, conventional methods were used to improve the quality of seismic images, thereby improving the interpretability of the profiles and enabling the reconstruction and subsequent successful development of reservoirs in the northern area of Endicott Field.