How to Be Polite

来源 :英语辅导(疯狂英语中学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:djdyaqb
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In English,“Thank yout!”is the polite sentenceof daily life.When someone gives you-somehelp,you should say“Thank you!”to him.Whenyou buy something,you should say“Thank you!”to the salesgirl or the salesman in the shop.Whena meeting or a class is over,the speaker or yourteacher always says“Thank you!”to the peopleOr to the students. In English,“Thank yout!”is the polite sentenceof daily life.When someone gives you-somehelp,you should say“Thank you!”to him.Whenyou buy something, you should say“Thank you! ”to the salesgirl or the salesman in the shop.Whena meeting or a class is over,the speaker or yourteacher always says“Thank you!”to the peopleOr to the students.
Gold leaf is so thin that one dollar’s worth wouldcover a square with an approximate area of 3600 cm2. Since 602=3600,each side of the square iS 60cmlong. We
You’ll be surprised, but you know, there are actually more uses to salt than just to season a meal. 你也许会觉得惊讶,但你知道吗,盐不单单能用来调味,它还有其它
一只有一点点呆、一点点坏、一点点懒的小兔子,你知道他是谁吗? A bunny who stays a little, a little bad, and a little lazy. Do you know who he is?
现代社会,到处是匆匆的脚步,人们不约而同地追求着各种欲望的满足,却在不知不觉中忽略了体味人生之美。英国诗人勃莱克说:一花一世界,一沙一天国。美存在于你的周围, In mo
在英语阅读中,我们往往会碰到一些句子,因其中某一个单词的位置不同,句子意义也就大不相同。试比较下列句子:1.①I don’t really know.我并不真正清楚。②I really don’t