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杨振宁、许渊冲二人曾是西南联大的同窗,历经半个多世纪的风雨浮沉,西南联大的旧址如今几乎荡然无存,当年意气风发的热血青年却已成为中国最出色的两所高校里德高望重的白发先生。时逢2006年新春佳节,物理学家杨振宁和文学翻译家许渊冲在聚会席间闲谈,他们从翻译出发,展开了一场科学与艺术的对话,同时展望了中国文化的美好未来。许渊冲夫人照君、杨振宁新夫人翁帆也在座。许:振宁,你是中国世纪的第一人,你最大的贡献,是改变了中国人不如人的心理,而我要改变的,是中国人文化上不如人的心理。小帆(指翁帆)是接班人,是中国新世纪的曙光。我在欧洲的时候,发现英国人、法国人翻译的中国古诗都没有味儿。所以外国人就说,你们讲李白、杜甫那么好,我们怎么没觉得呢?“床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。”外国人一点儿不觉得好。我们中国人有团圆观念,由圆月想到人 Yang Zhenning and Xu Yuanchong were once classmates of the Southwest Associated University. After more than half a century’s ups and downs, the former site of the Southwest Associated University has almost disappeared. The enthusiastic young people of that year have become the most outstanding universities in China. Mr. White Hair. During the Spring Festival in 2006, physicist Yang Zhenning and literary translator Xu Yuanchong chatted during the party. They started from the point of translation and started a dialogue between science and art. At the same time, they also looked forward to a bright future for Chinese culture. Xu Yuanchong’s wife, Zhao Jun, and Yang Zhenning’s new wife, Weng Fan, are also present. Xu: Zhenning, you are the first person in the Chinese century. Your greatest contribution is to change the Chinese people’s inferiority to the human mind. What I want to change is the Chinese culture is not as good as the human mind. Xiaofan (referred to as Weng Fan) is the successor and the dawn of the new century in China. When I was in Europe, I found that English and French translations of ancient Chinese poetry did not taste. So foreigners said that you talked about Li Bai and Du Fu so well. Why didn’t we think? “Moon light in front of the bed, suspecting frost on the ground. Looked up at the moon and looked down at home.” Foreigners do not feel good at all. . We Chinese people have a concept of reunion. People think of people from the moon.
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