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  In an exclusive interview with Beijing Review on February 17, Sun Yuxi, former spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China and former Ambassador to Afghanistan, India, Italy and Poland, spoke about the history, difficulties and prospects of China-U.S. relations. An edited version of his comments are as follows.
  During my service in the Foreign Ministry, China and the United States had cooperated on various issues and managed our differences in the process.
  One of the most successful examples involved Afghanistan. Washington waged a war on terrorism worldwide following the“9/11” terrorist attacks in 2001. It toppled the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and carpet bombed Al-Qaeda training camps in the country. I was sent to Kabul as China’s ambassador to Afghanistan in 2002 right after the war started. According to what I had experienced, various members of the international community were acting in concert, each with their own specific responsibility to help the nation rebuild itself during the process of the war on terror.
  The United States was in charge of building the Afghan army; Germany had the task of setting up the Afghan police force; Italy was responsible for reestablishing law and order; the UK focused on tackling narcotics trafficking; and China helped Afghanistan handle its delicate relations with its neighbors—as the nation’s rebuilding required support from neighboring states.
  In fact, a lot of projects in Afghanistan which were awarded to the United States were constructed by Chinese engineers and workers because few people in the United States were willing to work in Afghanistan, and even if they wished to, the costs were excessively high. I recall a particular hydropower project in Kandahar. The United States agreed to build the plant but needed a feasibility report requiring a team of a dozen engineers on the ground. They proposed a preliminary estimation cost of $5 million as the team of engineers would need at least a platoon of security guards, four armed vehicles and two helicopters. The Afghan authorities asked our price, and I found it would only take $500,000 for the Chinese to do the same job. The ten-fold difference was due partially to the high cost of providing security for U.S. workers, as the local Taliban forces felt much greater hostility toward the United States than China.
   Conflict resolution
  The most tragic moment between China and the United States when I was Foreign Ministry spokesman was when the United States bombed our embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which led to my unprecedented 60-hour press conference.   The Chinese people were enraged, believing the attack was a calculated move by Washington and were demanding revenge. I had to ask repeatedly, should we bomb their embassy and wage war? Drop atomic bombs on one another and raze Beijing and Washington to the ground? Let 1 billion Chinese and 100 million Americans die together? No! Immediately resorting to violence just for the sake of retaliation is not something China does or will ever do.
  Eventually, then President Bill Clinton apologized publicly and we found a way forward. This tragic page of history has been turned, and I hope such an event never happens again.
  I’m optimistic that no major military conflict will occur between China and the United States. Instead, we should act together in coping with other kinds of “world wars”: terrorism, pollution, epidemics and the like.
  The Korean Peninsula is another issue in which China and the United States have cooperated closely. We initiated the fourparty talks (China, the United States, North Korea and South Korea), which subsequently became the six-party talks with the inclusion of Russia and Japan. During the four-party period, I was deputy chief of the mission of our embassy in South Korea. Once again, we acted jointly in denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and maintaining regional peace and stability.
  Now, though, there’s a major difference: the deployment of the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense system. I find it difficult to understand how this has come about. We consulted each other on previous measures against North Korea, but the United States did not consult with us about such deployment, which actually will cover a large part of Chinese territory.
  Now that Donald Trump has taken office, China is being patient. Top level consultation is urgently needed to prepare for a summit between the two presidents. President Xi Jinping talked with former President Obama many times through various channels. I hope President Trump and his team will take note of the fruits of those discussions and further update China-U.S. relations.
第一幕:偶遇  时间:1940年的一天下午  地点:小道上  人物:爱因斯坦、小女孩  【音乐声中幕启】  爱因斯坦 (蓄着一撮短而硬的小胡子,一双棕褐色的眼睛深陷在眼窝里,一头蓬乱的灰白头发,身穿一件又肥又长的外套,脚上趿拉着一双拖鞋。一边埋头走路,一边自言自语)唉,这个问题怎么解决呢?……噢,这样!……不对!不对!……  小女孩 (从爱因斯坦的对面上。头扎两条小辫子,上身衬衫,下身裙子。一边踢
银行推出的外币理财产品与普通的储蓄产品不同,在具体的办理手续上也存在着不少差异,需要投资者事先有所了解。    购买的时间  银行的外汇理财产品是分期推出的,个人如果想购买.就需要在认购期内到银行柜台办理相关手续。需要注意的是,外汇理财产品销售时间与储蓄业务并不重合,会比储蓄业务时间短,如建行是在上午9点到下午4点。此外,外汇理财产品往往有募集的额度限制,一旦达到额度,银行会提前结束募集。    
课堂上,我正在教学苏教版四年级下册《练习6》“处处留心”,其中介绍了一段有关噪声的资料:  “噪声是不同频率和强度的声音杂乱组合形成的,它是人所不需要的声音……”我一边说,一边在黑板上板书“噪声”一词。也许是由于所讲内容比较空洞,教室里死气沉沉,似乎还有些不安定的因素。  “老师,您写错了,您把‘噪’写成‘嗓’了。”  转身一看,哎呀,糟糕!我竟然把“噪声”写成“嗓声”了!教室里顿时躁动起来,同学
一、 利用教材插图,尝试写    苏教版低年级教材课课都是图文并茂,这些插图形象直观、画面优美,有利于学生理解课文内容,也为训练他们说话提供了很好的材料,如:“春节饺子拜年”这一组词串,介绍了我国四个传统节日的民俗风情,相应的四幅插图都是同学们熟悉的节日场景。词串学完后,我让学生任挑一幅自己喜欢的插图,用上刚学过的词说几句话,因为每位同学都有这样的生活经历,所以,他们说起来得心应手,积极性很高。“