The differences of vocational education home and abroad

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  Vocational education was once looked down upon by people. Many parents of examinees of College Entrance Examinations prefer paying large sums of sponsorship and tuition fee, sending their children to an obscure university and getting a diploma to giving them vocational trainings. However, such opinion is changing rapidly. Vocational education is becoming popular and more and more parents are paying attention to vocational education, traditional academic education is subjected to the strong impact of vocational education.
  “People become unemployed after graduating from ordinary universities, they should go to vocational training schools!”, “IT trainings are not bad, people can study near their home, pay less money than going to universities, and turn out to have a good job.”
  In some countries, vocational education is an important part of education, but not in the junior middle school stage, but the senior middle school stage. In many countries, enrollment of vocational education is part of the enrollment of senior middle school stage and makes up high proportion. Especially in Indonesia, Thailand, Korea and Israel, the proportion can be up to 40%. The proportion in Czech Republic and Australia is about 70%, that in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Switzerland is 60%, and in France, Denmark and Finland is 50%. Viewed from an overall perspective, the development of vocational education is weaker than European and OECD countries.
  German vocational education is very advance. Technicians are of very good skills. In this country more than half of the students choose vocational trainings as their educational direction. Meanwhile, ordinary senior middles and vocational schools can exchange students after they have studied for two years, i.e., students with poor academic performance of ordinary senior high school can go to vocational school to acquire skills, while students with good academic performance of vocational schools can study in ordinary senior high school and prepare for entering university. What is more, many senior high school students with good academic performance are not hurry to enter famous university, they tend to go to vocational schools to acquire some skills, and then acquire theory in university, such students are more easily to have achievements.   “普通大学毕业也就是失业,去读职业培训学校吧!”、“IT培训也不错,就在家门口上学,花的钱比上大学少,还能有份不错的工作。”与以往不同的是,现在很多家长从实际出发,选择送孩子接受职业教育。在一些国家,职业教育是教育的重要组成部分,但不是在初中阶段而是在高中阶段。职业教育招生作为高中阶段招生的一部分,在很多国家都有相当高的比例。其中在印度尼西亚、泰国、韩国和以色列该比例达到约40%左右。而相应的该比例在捷克共和国和澳大利亚约为70%,比利时、德国、意大利、荷兰、瑞士该比例为60%,法国、丹麦、芬兰等国该比例为50%。从整体上看,亚洲地区的职业教育要比欧洲和OECD国家发展弱得多。
  In contrast, in China, many junior high school students choose to go to senior high schools after graduation, and they only go to vocational schools when they are not enrolled by senior high schools. In addition, not many people go to vocational schools, because many children of rural areas tend to go to work directly after they graduate from junior high school without standard vocational trainings. At present, there are interactions between the vocational education, mechanic colleges and universities education and higher education. However, it is difficult for senior high schools and vocational schools to exchange students. It is almost impossible for students of vocational schools to go to senior high schools, and few senior high school students choose to go to vocational schools.
  Besides in abroad, it is a common practice that the salary of a senior skilled worker is higher than that of a senior engineer. However, it is impossible in China at present, in that senior engineers usually have had university education or rich working experience. They are very qualified and get the title after being accessed in many aspects, their skills are higher, and therefore their salaries are higher.
  Since at present the skills of technicians who come from ordinary vocational education is limited, and most of them take up ordinary primary work of skills without any development in technology innovation and high-difficulty technology, so their salaries are not high. Their salaries can be even lower compared with some administrative staff.
  Though the current situation of vocational education in China is turning good, there are many places that need improvement. Most of the popularity of vocational education is owing to utilitarian and practical causes. Compared with foreign vocational education, the largest difference is that the purposes of students are different. In abroad, since there is no pressure of employment, students often go to vocational trainings schools out of their passion for a certain career, or their interest in handling some equipment. Parents usually encourage their students to do what they like, because it is easier to have achievements; however, in China, due to pressure of employment, people who ask their children to choose vocational education just want them to master a skill, and find jobs easily. Some do not even have relationship with personal interests, but is a way of making a living. Therefore, most of the graduates of vocational schools in China are operation staff rather than innovators.
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