
来源 :中国设备管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jifengrgj
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青海省经贸委针对1996年年末工业生产进入最后攻坚阶段,一部分企业主要生产设备利用率高,超负荷运转的情况发出通知,指出为了使主要生产设备处于完好状态,确保安全生产,保证工业生产持续、稳定发展,为明年工业生产做好准备,企业应做到:1.切实加强设备工作的领导,安排好主要生产设备的使用和保养,对关键设备要安排大修、项修,对已安排年度修理计划但未按计划修理的设备,要进行抢修.要防止设备长期超负荷、带病运转等拼设备的短期行为、各主管部门要经常督促检查以使主要生产设备处于完好状态.2.严防发生重大设备事故.最近,全省工业用电紧张,供电质量不稳定,增加了设备开启次数.对连续性运作较强的重要设备和新投入的主要关键设备,应有专人操作和管理,明确岗位责任.要根据生产方式衔接好供电方式,严格用电秩序.发现问题,及时采取措施,严防发生重大设备事故和重复性事故,杜绝恶性事故.3.组织好设备修理所需的备品、配件的生产、外购、储备、供应工作.主要和关键设备的备件要备足,避免因备件短缺影响生产.4.加强对闲置设备的管理,严防国有资产流失,尤其是生产任务不足的企业,要做好设备的保养封存工作,使企业装备始终处于优化状态,保持实力,增强企业后劲. The Economic and Trade Commission of Qinghai Province pointed out that the industrial production of the Qinghai Province had entered the final stage of the end of 1996. Some enterprises had high utilization rates of major production equipment and were over-loaded. A notice was issued stating that in order to keep the main production equipment in good condition, ensure safe production and ensure the continued production of industrial products. , Stable development and preparation for next year’s industrial production, the company should do the following: 1. Effectively strengthen the leadership of equipment work, arrange the use and maintenance of major production equipment, arrange major repairs and repairs for key equipment, and arrange annual Repair equipment that has not been repaired according to plan shall be repaired. The short-term behavior of equipment such as long-term overloading and sick operation shall be prevented, and the competent departments shall constantly supervise inspections so that the main production equipment is in good condition. Major equipment accidents occurred. Recently, the province’s industrial power supply was strained and the quality of power supply was unstable. The number of equipment starts was increased. For important equipment with strong continuity of operations and major key equipment for new investment, there should be dedicated operations and management. Responsibility of the job. We must connect the power supply methods according to the production methods, strictly use the electricity order, identify problems, and take timely measures. Strictly prevent major equipment accidents and repetitive accidents, and prevent malignant accidents. 3. Organize production, outsourcing, storage, and supply of spare parts and accessories required for equipment repairs. Spare parts for major and key equipment should be provided to avoid spare parts. Shortage affects production. 4. Strengthen the management of idle equipment and prevent the loss of state-owned assets. In particular, enterprises with insufficient production tasks must do a good job of maintenance and storage of equipment so that enterprise equipment is always in an optimized state, maintains its strength, and strengthens its staying power.
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中设协设备故障诊断技术开发中心工作会议1997年1月10~11日在上海中国航空工业总公司第633研究所召开. The working meeting of the China Association for Equipment Fault