张晋东当选当代实力派画家 澄怀观道 既清且真——“漫画”大荒堂主

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画友晋东,名东锁,张氏,别署大荒堂主。生于1945年,河北省晋州市人。现为河北省美协会员,一级美术师,燕赵画院副院长。晋东兄髫年即酷爱绘画,曾考取天津美院,因“文革”未能入学深造,然益发勤奋习画,后得王怀骐、李春海、白云乡诸先生指授,并入王文芳先生画室深造,毕业于北京画院研修生班。亦曾寄迹东篱,种菊、研画、读书、悟道,长达十五年之久,历尽坎坷,终成“正果”。兄性散淡,尚俭朴,唯好读书。诗词文赋、诸子哲学无不涉猎,尤喜读史。深悟老庄妙机,兼承禅学真谛。涤媚俗、亲世情、弃名利,归真淳。更于笔墨外,探索中国绘画之化境。并累年坚持深入生活,遍历名山,饱游饫看.以造化为师,写生作画。质证传统理法,锤炼个人“语言”。他的画既有传统功力,更具时代风貌,不作惊人状,不为怪诞笔,唯沉雄、简淡、拙辣、苍凉是也。形成了严正刻实、不失法度之画风,韵致迥出时辈。昔赏其三丈六尺长卷《春江花月夜》,但见轻重浓淡,虚实相生,水净沙明,咫尺千里.书卷气充盈其间,读来荡气回肠。又观其为新加坡画商所作百余幅三尺山水,幅幅面目不同,款识题跋皆为自撰,脍炙人口,叹为观止!兄常言“老 Paintings Jindong, east lock, Zhang, Department of Dazu hall master. Born in 1945, Jinzhou City, Hebei Province. Hebei Province is now a member of the United States, an artist, vice president of Yan Zhao Paintings. Jindongxiong years that love painting, had admitted Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, due to ”Cultural Revolution “ failed to enter the school, then benefit hard diligently drawing, after theWang Huaiqi, Li Chunhai, Baiyun Township, Zhu, Professor, incorporated into Mr.Wang Wenfang studio Education, graduated from Beijing Art Academy trainees. Have also been printed Dong Lei, species of chrysanthemum, research and painting, study, enlightenment, as long as 15 years, experienced ups and downs, eventually become ”positive fruit.“ Brothers scattered loose, still frugal, had to study. Poetry Fu, Philosophical philosophy all study, especially read the history. Deep understanding of the old machine, and the essence of Zen. Fuli vulgar, pro-world love, fame and fortune, Guizhen Chun. In addition to writing, explore the realm of Chinese painting. And year-round adhere to in-depth life, traversed the mountains, full swim 饫 look. To make good fortune, painting sketch. The traditional method of cross-examination, temper personal ”language “. His paintings not only have the traditional skill, but also have a more contemporary style. They are not surprising. They are not grotesque. They are only Shenxiong, simple, clumsy and desolate. Formed a strict and rigorous, without losing the style of painting, Yun Ji out of the generation. Reward tours of its three feet six feet long scroll ”Moonlight Night in Spring," but see the light and shade, the actual situation, water net sand Ming, Zhili thousands of miles. Also view it as a Singaporean art dealer for more than 100 three feet of landscape, breadth of different formats, paragraph inscription are all self-composing, win universal praise, amazing!
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