学习完二元一次方程组的实际应用,老师给我们布置了这样一道作业题:甲、乙两人分别从相距30 km的李庄和张庄同时出发,相向而行,经过3 h后相距3 km,再经过2 h,甲到张庄所剩路程是乙到李庄所剩路程的2倍,分别求甲、乙两人行进的速度.我看完题目后,很快便找出了等量关系,接着就在作业本上写出了下面的解题过程.解:设甲的速度为xkm/h,乙的速度为y km/h,根据题意,得
After studying the practical application of a binary system of equations, the teacher arranged for us a homework assignment: A and B departed from Li Zhuang and Zhang Zhuang at a distance of 30 km at the same time, proceeding in the opposite direction and going 3 km after 3 h , And then after 2 h, A Zhangzhuang the remaining distance is B to Li Zhuang left twice the distance, respectively, for a, b two of the speed of travel.I read the title, quickly find out the same amount Then, on the homework, the following problem-solving process is written: Solution A is xkm / h and B is ykm / h, according to the problem