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“自出机杼,成一家风骨”。作者写文章要有自己的独特风格,论者也很注意用“风格”这把艺术尺子,鉴赏、衡量、评价作品。这里,使人想到一个问题:新闻记者写的新闻作品也有风格吗?最近,我读了一些名家写的新闻通讯,得到了答案:新闻作品是应当有风格的。黑格尔曾给文章风格下过一个定义:“风格是一种逐渐形成习惯的对题材内在要求的适应。”我认为,这对于说明新闻作品的风格相当接近。古人作诗文,主张“文如其人”,“性情面目,人人各具”。写新闻通讯,如果作者注意形成自己的风格,就能把新闻通讯写得有特色,亲切、感人。风格包括些什么内容?清代姚鼐把文章风格分为:阳刚、阴柔两类,并作了具体、生动的比喻。他说,阳刚文章的风格之美,如“果日”,如“电”,如“火”;而阴柔文章风格之美,如“霞”,如 “From the plane 成, into a stronghold.” The author has to write an article of his own unique style, the reader is also very careful with the “style” of the art ruler, appreciation, measurement, evaluation works. Here, people think of the question: Is there any style in the news works written by journalists? Recently, I read some famous newsletters and got the answer: news works should be styled. Hegel has given a definition to the style of the article: “Style is a gradual habitual adaptation to the inherent requirements of the subject.” I think this is quite close to illustrating the style of the news piece. The ancients made poetry, advocating “Wen as the people”, “facial features, all with each.” Write newsletters, and if the author pays attention to shaping his own style, he can write a newsletter that is characteristic, friendly, touching. Style includes what? Qing Yao Yao article style is divided into: masculine, feminine two categories, and made a concrete, vivid metaphor. He said the style and beauty of masculine articles such as “Fruit Day”, such as “Electricity,” such as “Fire”, while the beauty of feminine style, such as “Xia”
This paper points out that,due to a flaw in the sender’s encoding,the receiver in Gao et al.’s controlled quantum secret direct communication(CQSDC) protocol