举全系统强势之力 打造强势民政宣传——全国民政宣传工作会议在长沙召开

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2007年10月12~14日,全国民政宣传工作会议在长沙召开。会议的主题是:总结交流民政宣传工作经验。研讨民政报刊在民政宣传中的主渠道、主阵地作用,部署今后一个时期党的十七大精神和民政工作宣传重点。民政部副部长窦玉沛出席会议并作了题为《立足民政面向社会关注民生倾力打造和谐社会建设的民政舆论阵地》的重要讲话,中纪委驻民政部纪检组长刘光和出席会议并作总结讲话,湖南省副省长杨泰波到会致辞。部办公厅主任陈传书主持会议。会上,湖南省民政厅、湖北省民政厅、青岛市民政局、长春市民政局介绍了民政宣传工作经验,北京市民政局通报了有关民政宣传工作的调研结果,《中国民政》杂志、中国老年报、公益时报、民政部网站和中国社会新闻出版总社通报了工作情况和工作安排。各省(自治区、直辖市)民政厅(局)主管民政宣传工作的领导、办公室主任和记者通联站站长,部分计划单列市和省会城市的民政局长,民政宣传先进单位的代表,以及部主管的主要新闻宣传单位的负责同志参加了会议。 From October 12 to October 14, 2007, the national civil affairs publicity work conference was held in Changsha. The theme of the conference is: Summarizing the experience of communicating civil affairs publicity work. To study the main channels and functions of the government newspapers and periodicals in civil affairs publicity, and to deploy the focus of propaganda of the 17th CPC National Congress and the civil affairs work in the coming period. Vice Minister of Civil Affairs Dou Yupei attended the meeting and gave an important speech titled Civil Administration and Public Opinion Position Building a Harmonious Society based on Civil Affairs, Focusing on the People’s Livelihood, and Liu Guanghe, Discipline Inspection Leader of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, attended the meeting and made a summary Speech, vice governor of Hunan Province Yang Taibo speech. Chen Chuanshu, director of the General Office presided over the meeting. At the meeting, Civil Affairs Bureau of Hunan Province, Civil Affairs Department of Hubei Province, Civil Affairs Bureau of Qingdao City and Civil Affairs Bureau of Changchun City introduced the publicity work experience of civil administration. Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau informed the investigation results about civil affairs publicity work. China Civil Administration Magazine, The annual report, the Public Times, the website of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the China Social Press and Publications Office reported the work and work arrangements. Civil Affairs Department (bureau) of each province (autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government) chief of civil affairs publicity work, director of office and correspondent station of Communication Station, director of civil administration of some cities with separate state planning and capital cities, representative of advanced unit of civil affairs promotion, The responsible comrades of the publicity units attended the meeting.
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