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他穿着短裙(上个世纪初意大利小男孩经常这样打扮)出现在舞台上,静静地在琴凳前站了好久,接着没一句话就跑到了幕后。观众都认为他有点怯场,大人把他拉回舞台,但他又跑了回去。这时人们才意识到他需要别人帮助才能坐到那高高的凳子上去。坐好后,他开始弹琴,一副悠然自得的样子。第二天,当地的报纸这样写到:“5岁的米开朗杰里在演奏尔尼的两首练习曲时表现出的准确无误使观众感到惊讶。他已经学会了用声音与观众交流。” He appeared on the stage wearing a short skirt (often worn by Italian little boys at the beginning of the last century), standing quietly in front of the piano stool for a long time, then ran behind the scenes without saying anything. The audience all thought he was a little stage fright, the adult pulled him back to the stage, but he ran back. At this time people realize that he needs someone else’s help to get on that tall stool. After sitting, he started to play the piano, a leisurely look. The next day, the local newspaper wrote: “The 5-year-old Michelangeli, who was surprised by the accuracy of his performance of Erni’s two pieces of Etude, had learned to communicate with the audience by voice.”
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