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随着教学理念的更新,各种先进的教学模式的不断涌现,“以教师为主体”的传统教学模式逐渐被“以学生为中心”的新模式所取代。素质教育的实施更是要求我们在教授知识的同时注重培养学生的学习能力。本文就英语教学中自主学习的必要性以及如何在英语教学中促进学生自主学习进行了初步的探讨。 With the renewal of teaching philosophy and the continuous emergence of various advanced teaching modes, the traditional teaching mode of “taking teachers as the mainstay” is gradually replaced by the new model of “student-centered”. The implementation of quality education also requires us to teach knowledge at the same time focus on developing students’ learning ability. This paper discusses the necessity of independent study in English teaching and how to promote students’ autonomous learning in English teaching.
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