绩效考评的方法选择直接关系到考评成败,常常让管理者感到无从着手。本文主要介绍几种常用的考评方法。 (一)排序法 排序法是按被考评者各人绩效的相对优劣程度,通过比较确定每人的相对等级或名次。排序方向可由最优排至最劣,或由最劣排至最优。排序法又可分为简单排序法?
The performance evaluation method choice is directly related to the success or failure of the assessment, managers often feel unable to proceed. This article describes several commonly used assessment methods. (A) sorting method Sorting method is based on the relative merits and demerits of each person being evaluated, by comparing each relative's ranking or ranking. The sorting direction can be from the best to the worst, or from the worst to the best. Sorting can be divided into simple sorting method?