近几年来,在局党委的正确领导和省局工会的正确指导下,我局积极推进局务公开工作,并取得了一定的成效,具体做法如下: 一、领导重视是搞好局务公开工作的前提我局领导班子非常重视搞好局务公开工作,把它作为实践“三个代表”重要思想的具体行动,是认真落实全心全意依靠工人阶级指导方针的具体体现,是广大职工的普遍要求,是历史发展的必然趋势。搞好局务公开工作,有利于接受职工监督,促进
In recent years, under the correct leadership of the party committees under the leadership and the correct guidance of the trade unions under the leadership of the central government, our bureau has actively promoted the openness of the work of the public service and has achieved certain results. The specific practices are as follows: First, the leaders attach importance to doing a good job of doing public work The leadership of our bureau attaches great importance to doing a good job of making public affairs work done by the Board of Directors as a concrete act of practicing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents.’ It is a concrete manifestation of earnestly implementing the guideline of wholeheartedly relying on the working class. The request is an inevitable trend of historical development. Doing a good job in the public affairs department is conducive to accepting staff supervision and promotion