
来源 :烟台师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jenjen1985
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中国农村经济正经历着由自给经济向商品经齐转化的过程。在这一过程中,正确选择农村经济的发展模式、及时把握农村经济的发展态势,将有利于实现这种转化。通过深入调查、思考,本文认为(1)农村经济的发展不能强求一个统一、规范的模式,事实上,中国不同地区经济因素、社会因素和自然禀赋的差异性决定了农村经济呈多样化发展的趋势;(2)只有利益导向机制不可能使农村经济结构尽快合理化。在重视利益导向机制作用的同时,应加强政策导向机制在农村经济发展中的作用和影响。在二元导向机制作用下,促使农村经齐健康发展。 China’s rural economy is experiencing a process of transformation from a subsistence economy to a commodity economy. In this process, the correct choice of the mode of development of the rural economy and timely grasp of the development trend of the rural economy will be conducive to achieving such a transformation. Through in-depth investigation and reflection, this paper argues that (1) the development of rural economy can not impose a unified and standardized model. In fact, the differences of economic, social and natural endowments in different regions of China determine the diversified development of rural economy Trend; (2) Only interest-oriented mechanism can not rationalize rural economic structure as soon as possible. While attaching importance to the role of interest-oriented mechanism, the role and influence of policy-oriented mechanism in rural economic development should be strengthened. Under the guidance of the dualistic mechanism, rural areas are encouraged to develop healthily.
改革是一项宏大的社会系统工程,具有长期性、艰巨性和发展的阶段性.我国十年的改革发展到今天,正处于一个十分关键时期,为什么这样说呢? 一、现在我国的改革正处于由浅入深
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