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一年一度的“地产年度风云榜”中,各个大腕.各个明星楼盘济济一堂.可算是北京地产在年底的最后盛宴,当然,组成这盘盛宴的各个项目都是地产界响当当的楼盘,居住领域的高尚项目——别墅自然是其中的“当红小生”。而每一个别墅除了在地产界年底盛宴上的高调出现外。首次亮相或者配合品牌而做相关推广活动也是“各显神威”。所以,熟悉地产界推广活动的人都清楚,别墅的推广策略和推广方式往往与众不同,不少项目往往还未面世,便赢得了大量的关注,品牌推广的力量在别墅界往往显得异常重要。活动需要有关单位支持.需要大腕捧场.需要众多专家的搅局捧场,而高端活动之后的晚宴,往往无恩怨,无是非,只有喜笑颜开的名利双收,有别于大大小小.急功近利的完全商业运作的话动.由《安家》选出的北京地产10大品牌活动中,首先尊重将品牌的概念融入到活动之中;其次尊重其在规模.参与人数.产生的社会影响力等方面真正为业内做出了榜样.树立了标杆。 The annual “real estate annual Billboard”, the biggest names in the various star real estate can be considered one of the last feast of Beijing real estate at the end of the year, of course, the composition of this feast of the various projects are real estate victorious real estate, residential Noble project in the field - the villa is naturally one of the “popular niche”. In addition to each villa in the real estate sector feast at the end of the high profile appeared. Debut for the first time or with the brand to do related promotional activities are “every show divine ”. Therefore, people who are familiar with the promotion activities in the real estate sector are all well aware that the promotion strategies and promotion methods of villas often differ from each other. Many projects have often received a great deal of attention and the power of brand promotion often appears to be extremely important in the villa sector . Activities need the support of the unit. Need the eldest brother to join in the field. Needs experts to support the spoiler, and dinner after the high-end activities, often without grievances, right and wrong, only the smiles of fame and fortune, different from large and small. Of the words .. By the “security” selected Beijing real estate 10 brand activities, first of all respect the concept of the brand into the activities of the second; secondly respect its size, the number of participants in the social influence of the real industry to do Set an example.
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