
来源 :今日中国(中文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yetze
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中國現在的普通中等教育實行“三三制”,即初中三年,高中三年。每個學年又分為兩個學期,以及寒假(一、二月間,約三週)、暑假(七、八月間,約七週)。每個學期有兩次大的考試,一次安排在期中,一次放在期末,試題由學校命題。初中畢業要通過市(縣)一級的統一考試,並進行第一次分流,三分之一以上的學生將進入各種中等專業學校、職業中學、中等技工學校和師範學校學習,大約三分之一升入高中學習,其餘的經過短期職業培訓,直接就業。高中升大學要參加全國的統一考試。今年全國各類大學招生人數共六十四萬人,大體上三個考生中有一人可被錄取。學校要求學生在中學時期初步掌握包括一門外語在內的社會科學及自然科學的基礎知識。成績優異的學生可以跳級;而如語文、數學、外語 At present, ordinary secondary education in China carries out the “three-three system”, that is, three years in junior high school and three years in senior high school. Each school year is divided into two semesters and winter holidays (about three weeks in January and February) and summer holidays (about seven weeks in July and August). There are two major exams in each semester, one in the middle of the period and the other in the final stage. Junior high school graduates will have to pass a unified examination at the city (county) level and be divided for the first time. More than one third of students will go to various secondary vocational schools, vocational secondary schools, secondary technical schools and normal schools to study about one third To enter high school, the rest after short-term vocational training, direct employment. High school or university to participate in the national unified examination. There are 640,000 enrolled students of all kinds at universities this year. In general, one of the three candidates can be admitted. The school requires students to have a good grasp of the basic knowledge of social sciences and natural sciences, including a foreign language, in their high school years. Students with excellent grades can skip grades, while in languages ​​such as math and foreign languages
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