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当前,从世界区域经济发展过程来看,世界经济发展的中心和新的增长点正在东移,亚洲和环太平洋地区已经成为世界经济新的增长点。海内外有识之士一致认为,21世纪世界经济看好亚太,亚太经济看好东亚,东亚地区经济看好中国,而中国经济增长又集中在东南沿海。从中国宏观区域布局来看,中国经济空间结构沿长江经济带与沿海经济带相交分布,呈明显的“T”字型结构。而东海沿岸正处于“T”字型的南翼,是我国经济最开放、最发达的地区之一。从世界经济发展的趋势看,21世纪又是海洋经济时代,海洋经济发展水平的高低,将直接 At present, judging from the process of the world’s regional economic development, the center and new growth point of the world economy are moving eastward. Asia and the Pacific Rim have become new growth points for the world economy. The people both at home and abroad have all agreed that the world economy in the 21st century is more optimistic about the Asia-Pacific, the Asia-Pacific economy is more optimistic about East Asia, the economy of East Asia is more optimistic about China, and China’s economic growth is concentrated on the southeast coast. From the perspective of the macro-regional layout in China, the spatial structure of China’s economy is distributed along the Yangtze River economic belt and the coastal economic belt at an obvious “T” -shaped structure. The East China Sea coast is in the “T” -shaped south wing, which is one of the most open and developed regions in China’s economy. From the perspective of the trend of world economic development, the 21st century is yet another step in the era of marine economy and the level of marine economic development
沙滩岩石的形成有一种靠近的关系袭击存款,与在 Pui O 和更低的 Cheung Sha 海湾基于 Lantau 岛的南部的海岸的沙滩岩石的 depositional 特征联合由沙滩和暴风雨过程表示了,香
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从中国实际出发,并结合全球水汽循环及水力作用,指出水土流失也是引起海平面升高的一个重要因素。同时,提出了生态保护对策与建议。 Based on China’s reality and combined w
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