
来源 :杭州电子工业学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuyu9603
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本文从我国“九五”期间发展光纤同轴电缆混合网的实际出发,介绍光纤网中最关键的激光发射机。本文以分布反馈(DFB)调幅激光发射机为例,介绍激光器的构造和分布反馈激光发射主件的构成,阐述了DFB调幅激光发射机的设计思想,指出DFB调幅激光发射机中具备自动光功率控制、自动温度控制及自动增益控制的重要性和这些控制的理论依据以及具体电路的实现。 This article from the actual development of our country “Ninth Five-Year” development of optical fiber coaxial cable hybrid network, introduces the most critical laser transmitter in optical network. In this paper, the DFB amplitude modulated laser transmitter is taken as an example to introduce the structure of the laser and the main components of distributed feedback laser emission. The design principle of the DFB amplitude modulated laser transmitter is expounded. The DFB amplitude modulated laser transmitter with automatic optical power Control, the importance of automatic temperature control and automatic gain control and the theoretical basis of these controls as well as the realization of specific circuits.
我国著名社会学家吴文藻认为:应将文化作为社区研究的核心,“明白了文化,便是了解了社会”。周海乐的《应用社会学概论》也把文化要素作为社区发展构成的重要因素之一。 Wu
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I have no knowledge of paintings. Nor do Ifully understand my father. What I am writinghere is my father and his paintings in my eyes. We kids kew in our earl