Soybean inoculation rhizobia, stubble planting in the plots showed a certain increase in yield, but in the reclaimed soybean field inoculation, the effect is reduced, or even difficult to show yield, which has been confirmed by numerous experiments. In recent years, some reports pointed out that the reason why soybean Rhizoctonia inoculation effect is poor, some because of the number of indigenous rhizobia, competitive, leading access to bacteria can not occupy the nodulation site, and some due to access to bacteria and cultivated soybean Poor affinity between varieties, rhizobia is not easy to enter the soybean root, can not form a strong symbiotic nitrogen fixation system. In order to investigate the relationship between indigenous rhizobia and nitrogen-fixation of stubble field and rotation of soybean. In 1984, we investigated the natural nodulation and nitrogen fixation of No. 145 soybean in the Shihezi region to provide basis for effective inoculation of soybean rhizobia in Shihezi region.